Our HOPE was meant to be UNLEASHED, not contained.

You are part of something bigger. While serving is so much bigger than just serving in the church, it is absolutely not less than that. Nothing we do here would be possible without the support of people just like you. We’ve found that when we share our time, expertise, and ability we discover a deeper sense of belonging. The connections formed through serving together reveal more of who God is and helps us become more like Jesus. Serving at Be Hope is one of the most important steps anyone can take when it comes to restoring your passion. Whether you have an interest in working with kids and teens, Celebrate Recovery, or being a part of our Weekend gatherings, there’s a place for you on the Hope Team.

2 Easy Steps to Be Hope!


People > Mission > Sentiment
Our systems are a means, not an end. We believe every person belongs and matters more than the next item on the to-do list. But the mission is too important to allow 1 person to hold us back. As a result, on our team we will sacrifice the system for the individual, but never the team for the player or the mission for a feeling.

It’s Game Time
There are not perfect plans, so on our team we will move forward and improve as we go, accomplishing today what others are still planning to do. Understanding can wait, Obedience to what God is calling us to cannot.

Best Idea Wins
On our team, there is no “I,” there’s only a “we,” because we believe that we are always better together.

Never Go Alone
We believe serving is the greatest way to exponentially expand the kingdom of God. On our team, we don’t perform individual tasks, but empower others through shared responsibility. We will never find ourselves alone in the mission, but relentlessly raise up champions who passionately step into God’s purpose.

Be Great
On our team we will stretch beyond our comfort and pursue honesty because we believe expertise and perfection are poor substitutes for something that is passionate and alive.

Leaders Lead
We don’t hold hands tightly, we believe in leaders. We equip, elevate, and unleash leaders for the purpose of empowering others in their gifting & calling. Our leaders know when to be in the room, and when to be absent; in order to help others grow & develop.